Logo Intui.travel marketplace of airport transfers
We have supplemented the interface with new markers that highlight the best offers
Now the most profitable transfers will not be lost among others and will be shown to customers

Marker Best seller

It awarded to the most popular vehicle for booking along the route.

Top 1 in sales

The system automatically checks each route and compares it with sales statistics for the previous period.
If there are several carrier companies on the route, the system highlights the most popular vehicle on the route and highlights it with a Best seller marker
❗If the Best seller marker has been added to your vehicle, then be sure that you will receive more orders with this route.
If your competitor's vehicle has the Best seller marker, then you can see the preferences of customers. Compare it with your offer and adjust the Vehicle & Price on the route to increase sales.

Intui recommended

To get a marker, you need to provide a good quality service.
After all, it takes into account the statistics of the quality of the orders that you have completed

Intui recommends good quality
The system checks the offers, selects the best carrier companies with favorable offers with a high rating of reviews and without complaints from customers.
❗The Intui recommended marker is a guarantee of quality for customers. Therefore, most buyers will give preference to such carriers
This means that the high quality of the service is  important and profitable!
For configuration questions, you can contact supply@intui.travel