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Main page / Questions & Answers / How to create a test booking to check the API in methods

How to create a test booking to check the API in methods

To check the way the API IN methods such as confirm, decline, booking cancel, booking update are implemented, you are to create a test booking via client's website.

To create a test booking and get an order's reference number to check the API in methods, you need to:

1. Sign into your Company Profile and open the section “API IN” by the following link https://fleet.intui.travel/en/apiin/;
2. Open the API IN SETTINGS and set up the correct settings to test the API IN Methods: API IN IS ON and Test Mode is on;
Set up the API in settings

3. Go to the client’s website, choose the route where your company provides the service, set up the date and time.

API in test mode

In case your API IN SETTINGS are set up correctly, you will see the inscription “API IN TEST MODE” as well as the offers that your company provide for this very date and time. Choose one vehicle and tap “Book Now”.

4. In the new window , fill in your test order’s details with the test values *TEST* and add the email to which you have access.
Fill in the fields with test values
5. Choose the payment gate and click “Save and Continue” to create a test booking.

Save and continue
Be informed that while the API IN test mode is ON, there is no need of paying for an order.
By clicking on the button “Save and Continue”, you will see an order’s details and a reference number that can be used for testing the API IN methods.
6. Open the Sandbox https://fleet.intui.travel/en/apiin/?sandbox to test the API in methods.
7. Important! Do not forget to cancel the order when you have finished testing the API-in methods.